The Parts of the Skeletal System:

Axial skeleton:
Skeleton arranged along the mid-longitudinal axis of the body is called axial skeleton. It includes skull, vertebral column, sternum an ribs.

image description: skull

Axial skeleton of head region is called skull. Skull includes the bones of cranium, facial bones, hyoid bone and bones of middle ear.

Bones of cranium:
Cranium protects brain. Structure shows the occurrence of eight bones which is joined firmly with one another. Upper jaw is immobile fashion which is fused with cranium and lower jaw is a movable one.

Facial bones:
Fourteen bones constitute the face. These bones form the frontal region of skull which includes skeleton of nose, hard plate and bones of lower jaw.

Hyoid bones:
Forms the floor of buccal cavity.

Bones of middle ear:
Three bones constitute middle ear are called as malleus, incus and stapes respectively.

Vertebral column:
Begins from the posterior end of the skull and extends upto hips. Entire vertebral column contains four curvatures in the which provide flexibility and strength for upright movement. 26 vertebrae occur in the vertebral column.

image description: vertebral column

image description: Ribcage

Arranged in the thoracic region along the ventro-longitudinal axis of body and they are said to be flat, long and narrow.

Twelve pairs of ribs are present. All are attached to thoracic vertebrae on the dorsal side of body.

Appendicular skeleton:

Pectoral girdle, pelvic girdle, bones of forelimbs and bones of hind limbs are included in the appendicular skeleton.

Pectoral girdle:
Connects the axial skeleton and forelimbs. Similar halves are present, that contains a left and a right side. Clavicle and scapula occur in it.

Bones of forelimbs:
First bone of forelimb is humerus. Cylindrical and anterior end is arranged in the glenoid cavity and is round. At the other end, it constitutes elbow with radio-ulna bone.

image description: pectorial Girdle and Bones of forelimb

image description: Pelvic Girdle and Bones of Hindlimb

Pelvic girdle:
Made up of two identical lateral halves. Three bones occur in the constitution of each half-ilium; ischium and pubis.

Bones of hindlimb:
First bone of hindlimb is femur. Two bone, tibio-fibula are associated in the formation of shank. Bones constituting ankle are called tarsals.
